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Fabric Topology Variables

The fabric topology variables define the connectivity between the various node types, as well as override the default switch properties.

As per the diagram above, the topology hierarchy is the following:

fabric_name > dc_name > pod_name

  • Fabric Name, required to match Ansible Group name covering all devices in the Fabric | Required and must be an inventory group name.
fabric_name: < Fabric_Name >
  • DC Name, required to match Ansible Group name covering all devices in the DC | Required for 5-stage CLOS (Super-spines)
dc_name: < DC_Name >
  • POD Name, only used in Fabric Documentation | Optional, fallback to dc_name and then to fabric_name. Recommended to be common between Spines, Leafs within a POD (One l3ls topology)
pod_name: < POD_Name >
  • Connectivity is defined from the child’s device perspective.
    • Source uplink interfaces and parent interfaces are defined on the child.
  • A static unique identifier (id) is assigned to each device.
    • This is leveraged to derive the IP address assignment from each summary defined in the Fabric Underlay and Overlay Topology Variables.
  • Within the l3_leaf and l2_leaf dictionary variables, defaults can be defined.
    • This reduces user input requirements, limiting errors.
    • The default variables can be overridden when defined under the node groups.

Supported designs

eos_designs supports multiple flavors of L3LS-EVPN topology such as 3-stage CLOS and 5-stage CLOS. Sections below highlight these 2 topologies, but you can extend eos_designs to support your own topology by using node_type_keys to create your own node type

3-stage CLOS Topology Support (Leaf & Spine)

  • The eos_designs role support various deployments with layer 3 leaf and spine (3-stage CLOS) and optionally, with dedicated overlay controllers.
  • 3 stage CLOS fabric can be represented as spines, L3 leafs and L2 leafs, and also referred to as a “POD”.

5-stage CLOS Topology Support (Super Spine)

  • The eos_designs role support lager deployments with super-spines (5-stage CLOS) and optionally, with dedicated overlay controllers.
  • 5 stage CLOS fabric can be represented as multiple leaf-spine structures (called PODs - Point of Delivery) interconnected by super-spines.
  • The logic to deploy every leaf-spine POD fabric remains unchanged.
  • Super-spines can be deployed as a single plane (typically chassis switches) or multiple planes.

Node Type Variables

The following table provide information on the default node types that have been pre-defined in eos_designs/defaults/main/defaults-node-type-keys.yml. To customize or create new node types, please refer to node types definition

Node Type Key Underlay Router Uplink Type Default EVPN Role L2 Network Services L3 Network Services VTEP MLAG Support Connected Endpoints
super_spine p2p none
spine p2p server
l3leaf p2p client
l2leaf port-channel none
overlay_controller p2p server

The variables should be applied to all devices in the fabric.

  • The type: variable needs to be defined for each device in the fabric.
  • This is leveraged to load the appropriate template to generate the configuration.

Variables and Options

As explained above, you can defined your own types of devices. CLI only provides default node types.

# define the layer type
type: < spine | l3leaf | l2leaf | super-spine | overlay-controller >


# Defined in SPINE.yml file
# Can also be set directly in your inventory file under spine group
type: spine

# Defined in L3LEAFS.yml
# Can also be set directly in your inventory file under l3leaf group
type: l3leaf

# Defined in L2LEAFS.yml
# Can also be set directly in your inventory file under l2leaf group
type: l2leaf

# Defined in SUPER-SPINES.yml
# Can also be set directly in your inventory file under super-spine group
type: super-spine

# Defined in ROUTE-SERVERS.yml
# Can also be set directly in your inventory file under route-server group
type: overlay-controller

All node types have the same structure based on defaults, node_group, node and all variables can be defined in any section and support inheritance like this:

Under node_type_key:

defaults <- node_group <- node_group.node <- node

Node type structure

    # Define vars for all nodes of this type
    <node group name>:
    # Vars related to all nodes part of this group
        <node inventory hostname>:
          # Vars defined per node
    <node inventory hostname>:
      # Vars defined per node

      # Unique identifier | Required.
      id: < integer >

      # Node management IP address | Optional.
      mgmt_ip: < IPv4_address/Mask >

Node Variables details

Generic configuration management

< node_type_key >:

    # Arista platform family | Required.
    platform: < Arista Platform Family >

    # Management interface configuration
    mgmt_interface: < mgmt_interface | default -> platform_management_interface -> mgmt_interface -> Management1 >

    # Rack that the switch is located in (only used in snmp_settings location) | Optional
    rack: < rack_name >

    # This configures the Link Tracking Group on a switch as well as adds the p2p-uplinks of the switch as the upstream interfaces.
    # Useful in EVPN multhoming designs.
      enabled: < true | false | default -> false >
      # Link Tracking Groups | Optional
      # By default a single group named "LT_GROUP1" is defined with default values. Any groups defined under "groups" will replace the default.
        - name: < tracking_group_name >
          recovery_delay: < 0-3600 | default -> platform_settings_mlag_reload_delay -> 300 >
          # Optional
          links_minimum: < 1-100000 >

    # This will generate the "lacp port-id range", "begin" and "end" values based on node "id" and the number of nodes in the "node_group".
    # Unique LACP port-id ranges are recommended for EVPN Multihoming designs.
      enabled: < true | false | default -> false >
      # Recommended size > = number of ports in the switch.
      size: < 1-65535 | default -> 128 >
      # Offset is used to avoid overlapping port-id ranges of different switches | Optional
      # Useful when a "connected-endpoint" is connected to switches in different "node_groups".
      offset: < offset_for_lacp_port_id_range | default -> 0 >

    # EOS CLI rendered directly on the root level of the final EOS configuration | Optional
    raw_eos_cli: |
      < multiline eos cli >

    # Custom structured config for eos_cli_config_gen | Optional
    structured_config: < dictionary >
< node_type_key >:

    # IPv4 subnet to use to connect to uplink switches.
    uplink_ipv4_pool: < IPv4_address/Mask  >

    # Local uplink interfaces (list). | Optional
    # If uplink_interfaces is not defined, platform-specific defaults (defined under default_interfaces) will be used instead.
    # Please note that default_interfaces are not defined by default - you should define these yourself.
    uplink_interfaces: [ < ethernet_interface_1 >, < ethernet_interface_2 > ]

    # Uplink switches (list). | Required.
    # If parallel uplinks are in use, update max_parallel_uplinks below and specify each uplink switch multiple times
    # e.g. uplink_switches: [ 'DC1-SPINE1', 'DC1-SPINE1', 'DC1-SPINE2', 'DC1-SPINE2' ]
    uplink_switches: [ < uplink_switch_inventory_hostname 01 >, < uplink_switch_inventory_hostname 02 > ]

    # Maximum number of uplink switches. | Optional
    # Changing this value may change IP Addressing on uplinks.
    # Can be used to reserve IP space for future expansions.
    max_uplink_switches: < integer >

    # Number of parallel links towards uplink switches | Optional
    # Changing this value may change interface naming on uplinks (and corresponding downlinks)
    # Can be used to reserve interfaces for future parallel uplinks
    max_parallel_uplinks: < integer >

    # Enable PTP on uplink links | Optional
      enable: < boolean >

    # Enable MacSec on all uplinks | Optional
      profile: "< MacSec profile name >"

    # Point-to-Point interface speed - will apply to uplinks on both ends | Optional.
    uplink_interface_speed: < interface_speed | forced interface_speed | auto interface_speed >

    # Custom structured config applied to "uplink_interfaces", and "uplink_switch_interfaces"
    # When uplink_type == "p2p", custom structured config added under ethernet_interfaces.<interface> for eos_cli_config_gen
    # Overrides the settings on the ethernet interface level.
    # When uplink_type == "port-channel", custom structured config added under port_channel_interfaces.<interface> for eos_cli_config_gen
    # Overrides the settings on the port-channel interface level.
    # "uplink_structured_config" is applied after "structured_config", so it can override "structured_config" defined on node-level.
    uplink_structured_config: < dictionary >

  # When nodes are part of node group
    < node-group-name >:
        # Uplink switches interfaces (list), interface located on uplink switch. | Optional
        # If uplink_switch_interfaces is not defined, platform-specific defaults (defined under default_interfaces) will be used instead.
        # Please note that default_interfaces are not defined by default - you should define these yourself.
        uplink_switch_interfaces: [ < ethernet_interface_1 >, < ethernet_interface_2 > ]
        # short_esi only valid for l2leaf devices using port-channel uplink
        # Setting short_esi: auto generates the short_esi automatically using a hash of configuration elements.
        short_esi: < 0000:0000:0000 | auto >

  # When nodes are not in node_group
    <node inventory hostname>:
      # Uplink switches interfaces (list), interface located on uplink switch. | Required.
      uplink_switch_interfaces: [ < ethernet_interface_1 >, < ethernet_interface_2 > ]

Default Interfaces

  • Set default uplink, downlink and mlag interfaces which will be used if these interfaces are not defined on a device (either directly or through inheritance).
  • These are defined based on the combination of node_type (e.g. l3leaf or spine) and a regex for matching the platform.
  • A list of interfaces or interface ranges can be specified.
  • Each list item supports range syntax that can be expanded into a list of interfaces. Interface range examples:
    • Ethernet49-52/1: Expands to [ Ethernet49/1, Ethernet50/1, Ethernet51/1, Ethernet52/1 ]
    • Ethernet1/31-34/1: Expands to [ Ethernet1/31/1, Ethernet1/32/1, Ethernet1/33/1, Ethernet1/34/1 ]
    • Ethernet49-50,53-54: Expands to [ Ethernet49, Ethernet50, Ethernet53, Ethernet54 ]
    • Ethernet1-2/1-4: Expands to [ Ethernet1/1, Ethernet½, Ethernet⅓, Ethernet¼, Ethernet2/1, Ethernet2/2, Ethernet⅔, Ethernet2/4 ]
  • uplink_interfaces and mlag_interfaces under default_interfaces are directly inherited by uplink_interfaces and mlag_interfaces.
  • downlink_interfaces are referenced by the child switch (e.g. the leaf in a leaf/spine network). Essentially the child switch indexes into an upstream switch’s default_downlink_interfaces using the child switch ID. This is then used to build uplink_switch_interfaces for that child.
    • In the case of max_parallel_uplinks > 1 the default_downlink_interfaces are mapped with consecutive downlinks per child ID.
    • Example for max_parallel_uplinks: 2, downlink interfaces will be mapped as [ <downlink1 to leaf-id1>, <downlink2 to leaf-id1>, <downlink1 to leaf-id2>, <downlink2 to leaf-id2> ...]
  • Please note that no default interfaces are defined in AVD itself. You will need to create your own based on the example below.

    # List of node type keys | Required
  - types: [ < node_type_key >, < node_type_key > ]

    # List of platform families  | Required
    # This is defined as a Python regular expression that matches the full platform type
    platforms: [ < Arista platform family regex >, < Arista platform family regex > ]

    # List of interfaces or interfaces ranges for each type of default interface | Required
    uplink_interfaces: [ < interface_range | interface >, < interface_range | interface > ]
    mlag_interfaces: [ < interface_range | interface >, < interface_range | interface > ]
    downlink_interfaces: [ < interface_range | interface >, < interface_range | interface > ]

    # Example
  - types: [ spine, l3leaf ]
    platforms: [ "7050[SC]X3", vEOS.*, default ]
    uplink_interfaces: [ Ethernet49-54/1 ]
    mlag_interfaces: [ Ethernet55-56/1 ]
    downlink_interfaces: [ Ethernet1-32/1 ]

ISIS underlay protocol management

< node_type_key >:

    # isis system-id prefix (4.4 hexadecimal)
    isis_system_id_prefix: < hhhh.hhhh >

    # Number of path to configure in ECMP for ISIS
    isis_maximum_paths: < integer >

    # IS type
    is_type: < level-1-2 | level-1 | level-2 | Default -> level-2 >

    # Node-SID base for isis-sr underlay variants. Combined with node id to generate ISIS-SR node-SID.
    node_sid_base: < integer | Default -> 0 >

Loopback and VTEP management

< node_type_key >:

    # IPv4 subnet for Loopback0 allocation
    loopback_ipv4_pool: < IPv4_address/Mask  >

    # IPv4 subnet for VTEP/Loopback1 allocation.
    vtep_loopback_ipv4_pool: < IPv4_address/Mask  >

    # Offset all assigned loopback IP addresses.
    # Required when the < loopback_ipv4_pool > is same for 2 different node_types (like spine and l3leaf) to avoid over-lapping IPs.
    # For example, set the minimum offset l3leaf.defaults.loopback_ipv4_offset: < total # spine switches > or vice versa.
    loopback_ipv4_offset: 2

    # Set VXLAN source interface. Loopback1 is default
    vtep_loopback: < Loopback_interface_1 >

BGP & EVPN Control plane

< node_type_key >:

    # node BGP AS | Required.
    bgp_as: < bgp_as >

    # List of EOS command to apply to BGP daemon | Optional
    bgp_defaults: [ < List of EOS commands> ]

    # Acting role in EVPN control plane.
    # Override role definition from node_type_keys
    # Can be set per node
    evpn_role: < client | server | none | Default -> refer to node type variable table >

    # List of inventory hostname acting as EVPN route-servers.
    evpn_route_servers: [ '< inventory_hostname_of_evpn_server >' ]

EVPN services management

< node_type_key >:

    # Possibility to prevent configuration of Tenant VRFs and SVIs
    # Override node definition "network_services_l3" from node_type_keys
    # This allows support for centralized routing.
    evpn_services_l2_only: < false | true >

    # Filter L3 and L2 network services based on tenant and tags (and operation filter) | Optional
    # If filter is not defined will default to all
      tenants: [ < tenant_1 >, < tenant_2 > | default all ]
      tags: [ < tag_1 >, < tag_2 > | default -> all ]

      # Force VRFs in a tenant to be configured even if VLANs are not included in tags | Optional
      # Useful for "border" leaf.
      always_include_vrfs_in_tenants: [ < tenant_1 >, < tenant_2 >, "all" ]

      # Only configure VLANs, SVIs, VRFs in use by connected endpoints or downstream L2 switches.
      # Note! This feature only considers configuration managed by eos_designs.
      # This excludes structured_config, custom_structured_configuration_, raw_eos_cli, eos_cli, custom templates, configlets etc.
      only_vlans_in_use: < true | false | default -> false >

    # Activate or deactivate IGMP snooping | Optional, default is true
    igmp_snooping_enabled: < true | false >

BGP & EVPN Multi-Domain Gateway

< node_type_key >:

    # Node is acting as EVPN Multi-Domain Gateway | Optional.
    # New BGP peer-group is generated between EVPN GWs in different domains or between GWs and Route Servers. Name can be changed under "bgp_peer_groups.evpn_overlay_core" variable
    # L3 rechability for different EVPN GWs must be already in place, it is recommended to use DCI & L3 Edge if Route Servers and GWs are not defined under the same Ansible inventory.

      # Define remote peers of the EVPN VXLAN Gateway. If the hostname can be found in the inventory, ip_address and BGP ASN will be automatically populated. Manual override takes precedence. If the peer's hostname can not be found in the inventory, ip_address and bgp_as must be defined.
        - hostname: < Inventory hostname of remote EVPN GW server >
          ip_address: < Peering IP of remote Route Server >
          bgp_as: < BGP ASN of remote Route Server >
        - hostname: < Hostname of remote EVPN GW server >
          ip_address: < Peering IP of remote Route Server >
          bgp_as: < BGP ASN of remote Route Server >

      # Specific BGP EVPN Gateway functionality for route types 2 (MAC-IP), 3 (IMET) and 5 (IP-PREFIX) can be enabled separately as needed.
        enabled: < true | false | Default -> False >
        enabled: < true | false | Default -> False >
        inter_domain: < true | false | Default -> True >

MLAG configuration management

< node_type_key >:

    # Enable / Disable auto MLAG, when two nodes are defined in node group.
    mlag: < true | false -> default true >

    # Enable / Disable MLAG dual primary detection
    mlag_dual_primary_detection: < true | false -> default false >

    # Set origin of routes received from MLAG iBGP peer to incomplete. The purpose is to optimize routing for leaf
    # loopbacks from spine perspective and avoid suboptimal routing via peerlink for control plane traffic.
    mlag_ibgp_origin_incomplete: < true | false | default -> true >

    # MLAG interfaces (list) | Optional, even when MLAG leafs present in topology.
    # If mlag_interfaces is not defined, platform-specific defaults (defined under default_interfaces) will be used instead.
    # Please note that default_interfaces are not defined by default - you should define these yourself.
    mlag_interfaces: [ < ethernet_interface_3 >, < ethernet_interface_4 > ]

    # MLAG interfaces speed | Optional and depends on mlag_interfaces to be defined
    mlag_interfaces_speed: < interface_speed | forced interface_speed | auto interface_speed >

    # MLAG peer link port-channel id | Optional; if not set, the mlag port-channel id is
    # generated based on the digits of the first interface present in 'mlag_interfaces'.
    # Valid port-channel id numbers are < 1-2000 > for EOS < 4.25.0F and < 1 - 999999 > for EOS >= 4.25.0F.
    mlag_port_channel_id: < integer >

    # Underlay L3 peering SVI interface id
    # If set to false or the same vlan as mlag_peer_vlan the mlag_peer_vlan will be used for L3 peering.
    mlag_peer_l3_vlan: < 0-4094 | false | default -> 4093 >

    # IP address pool used for MLAG underlay L3 peering | *Required when MLAG leafs present in topology.
    # IP is derived from the node id.
    mlag_peer_l3_ipv4_pool: < IPv4_network/Mask >

    # MLAG Peer Link (control link) SVI interface id.
    mlag_peer_vlan: < 0-4094 | default -> 4094 >

    # MLAG Peer Link allowed VLANs
    mlag_peer_link_allowed_vlans: < vlans as string | default -> "2-4094" >

    # IP address pool used for MLAG Peer Link (control link) | *Required when MLAG leafs present in topology.
    # IP is derived from the node id.
    mlag_peer_ipv4_pool: < IPv4_network/Mask >

    # Custom structured config applied to MLAG peer link port-channel id.
    # Added under port_channel_interfaces.<interface> for eos_cli_config_gen.
    # Overrides the settings on the port-channel interface level.
    # "mlag_port_channel_structured_config" is applied after "structured_config", so it can override "structured_config" defined on node-level.
    mlag_port_channel_structured_config: < dictionary >

    # Custom structured config applied to MLAG Peer Link (control link) SVI interface id.
    # Added under vlan_interfaces.<interface> for eos_cli_config_gen.
    # Overrides the settings on the vlan interface level.
    # "mlag_peer_vlan_structured_config" is applied after "structured_config", so it can override "structured_config" defined on node-level.
    mlag_peer_vlan_structured_config: < dictionary >

    # Custom structured config applied to MLAG underlay L3 peering SVI interface id.
    # Added under vlan_interfaces.<interface> for eos_cli_config_gen.
    # Overrides the settings on the vlan interface level.
    # "mlag_peer_l3_vlan_structured_config" is applied after "structured_config", so it can override "structured_config" defined on node-level.
    mlag_peer_l3_vlan_structured_config: < dictionary >

    # Spanning tree mode | Required.
    spanning_tree_mode: < mstp | rstp | rapid-pvst | none >

    # Spanning tree priority.
    spanning_tree_priority: < spanning-tree priority -> default 32768 >

    # Spanning tree priority.
    spanning_tree_root_super: < true | false  >

    # Virtual router mac address for anycast gateway | Required.
    virtual_router_mac_address: < mac address >

Inband management VLAN

< node_type_key >:

    # Optional IP subnet assigned to Inband Management SVI on l2leafs in default VRF.
    # Parent l3leafs will have SVI with "ip virtual-router" and host-route injection based on ARP. This allows all l3leafs to reuse the same subnet
    # SVI IP address will be assigned as follows:
    # virtual-router: <subnet> + 1
    # l3leaf A      : <subnet> + 2 (same IP on all l3leaf A)
    # l3leaf B      : <subnet> + 3 (same IP on all l3leaf B)
    # l2leafs       : <subnet> + 3 + <l2leaf id>
    # GW on l2leafs : <subnet> + 1
    # Assign range larger than total l2leafs + 5
    inband_management_subnet: < IPv4subnet/mask >

    # VLAN number assigned to Inband Management SVI on l2leafs in default VRF.
    inband_management_vlan: < vlan-id | Default -> 4092 >

Last update: August 11, 2022