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Collection Installation

These instructions are for regular users to install via Ansible Galaxy. To setup a development environment use these instructions.

arista.avd can also be consumed using the “AVD All-in-one” container.

Install from Ansible Galaxy

The arista.avd collection is available on Ansible Galaxy server and can be automatically installed on your system.

Make sure to install Python requirements afterwards.

Latest version

ansible-galaxy collection install arista.avd


If you have an ansible.cfg file in the directory where you run ansible-galaxy, it may affect the directory under which the collection and dependencies will be installed.

Install a specific version

ansible-galaxy collection install arista.avd:==3.6.0

You can specify multiple range identifiers which are split by ,. For example, you can use the following range identifiers:

  • *: Any version, this is the default used when no range specified is set.
  • !=: Version isn’t equal to the one specified.
  • ==: Version must be the one specified.
  • >=: Version is greater than or equal to the one specified.
  • >: Version is greater than the one specified.
  • <=: Version is less than or equal to the one specified.
  • <: Version is less than the one specified.


If you are installing with a range command, you must surround the command in quotes. For example, ansible-galaxy collection install 'arista.avd:>=3.0.0,<3.6.0'

Install latest devel version from AVD GitHub

ansible-galaxy collection install git+,devel


Collection dependencies like ansible-cvp will be installed from ansible-galaxy unless installed first using similar GitHub source.

Install in a specific directory

If you want to install collection in a specific directory part of your project, you can call ansible-galaxy and update your ansible.cfg

# Install collection under ${PWD/collections/}
$ ansible-galaxy collection install arista.avd -p collections/

# Update ansible.cfg file
$ vim ansible.cfg
collections_paths = ${PWD}/collections:~/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections

Upgrade installed AVD collection


You can use -U to upgrade to a new version for any installed collection:

$ ansible-galaxy collection install -U arista.avd
Process install dependency map
Starting collection install process
Installing 'arista.avd:3.6.0' to '/root/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/arista/avd'

Ansible resources

You can find some additional information about how to use Ansible’s collections on the following Ansible pages:

Last update: August 10, 2022