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Connected Endpoints

Connected Endpoints

  • The connected endpoints variables, define endpoints that connect to the fabric on leaf interface(s).
  • The connected endpoints are leveraged to define any device that connects to a leaf switch ports, i.e.: servers, firewalls, routers, load balancers, and storage arrays.
  • Connected endpoints key/value pairs are designed to be extended for your own needs and leveraged to configure the endpoint itself.

Variables and Options

Connected Endpoints Keys
# Define connected endpoints keys, to define grouping of endpoints connecting to the fabric.
# This provides the ability to define various keys of your choice to better organize/group your data.
# This should be defined in top level group_var for the fabric.
  < key_1 >:
    type: < type used for documentation >
  < key_2 >:
    type: < type used for documentation >
# Example
# The below key/pair values are the role defaults.
    type: server
    type: firewall
    type: router
    type: load_balancer
    type: storage_array
Port Profiles
# Optional profiles to apply on endpoints facing interfaces
# Each profile can support all or some of the following keys according to your own needs.
# Keys are the same used under endpoints adapters. Keys defined under endpoints adapters take precedence.
# Port_profiles can refer to another port_profile to inherit settings in up to two levels (adapter->profile->parent_profile).
  < port_profile_1 >:
    parent_profile: < port_profile_name >
    speed: < interface_speed | forced interface_speed | auto interface_speed >
    enabled: < true | false >
    mode: < access | dot1q-tunnel | trunk >
    mtu: < mtu >
    l2_mtu: < l2_mtu - if defined this profile should only be used for platforms supporting the "l2 mtu" CLI >
    # If setting both native_vlan and native_vlan_tag, native_vlan_tag takes precedence
    native_vlan: < native_vlan_number >
    native_vlan_tag: < boolean | default -> false >
    vlans: < vlans as string >
    spanning_tree_portfast: < edge | network >
    spanning_tree_bpdufilter: < "enabled" | true | "disabled" >
    spanning_tree_bpduguard: < "enabled" | true | "disabled" >
      received: < "received" | "send" | "on" >
    qos_profile: < qos_profile_name >
      enable: < true | false >
        level: < Configure maximum storm-control level >
        unit: < percent | pps > | Optional var and is hardware dependant - default is percent)
        level: < Configure maximum storm-control level >
        unit: < percent | pps > | Optional var and is hardware dependant - default is percent)
        level: < Configure maximum storm-control level >
        unit: < percent | pps > | Optional var and is hardware dependant - default is percent)
        level: < Configure maximum storm-control level >
        unit: < percent | pps > | Optional var and is hardware dependant - default is percent)
      description: < port_channel_description >
      mode: < "active" | "passive" | "on" >
      # Allocates an automatic short_esi to all ports using this profile
      # Please see the notes under "EVPN A/A ESI dual-attached endpoint scenario" before setting short_esi: auto.
      short_esi: auto
        mode: < static > | Currently only static mode is supported
        timeout: < timeout in seconds > | Optional - default is 90 seconds

# Dictionary key of connected endpoint as defined in connected_endpoints_keys
# This should be applied to group_vars or host_vars where endpoints are connecting.
< connected_endpoints_keys.key >:

  # Endpoint name, this will be used in the switchport description
  < endpoint_1 >:

    # rack is used for documentation purposes only
    rack: < rack_id >

    # A list of adapter(s), group by adapters leveraging the same port-profile.

      # Example of stand-alone adapter

        # Adapter speed - if not specified will be auto.
      - speed: < interface_speed | forced interface_speed | auto interface_speed >

        # Local endpoint port(s) | required
        endpoint_ports: [ < interface_name > ]

        # List of port(s) connected to switches | required
        switch_ports: [ < switchport_interface > ]

        # List of switch(es) | required
        switches: [ < device > ]

        # Port-profile name, to inherit configuration.
        profile: < port_profile_name >

        # Administrative state | optional - default is true
        # setting to false will set port to 'shutdown' in intended configuration
        enabled: < true | false >

        # Interface mode | required
        mode: < access | dot1q-tunnel | trunk >

        # Native VLAN for a trunk port | optional
        # If setting both native_vlan and native_vlan_tag, native_vlan_tag takes precedence
        native_vlan: < native_vlan_number >
        native_vlan_tag: < boolean | default -> false >

        # Interface vlans | required
        vlans: < vlans as string >

        # Spanning Tree
        spanning_tree_portfast: < edge | network >
        spanning_tree_bpdufilter: < "enabled" | true | "disabled" >
        spanning_tree_bpduguard: < "enabled" | true | "disabled" >

        # Flow control | Optional
          received: < "received" | "send" | "on" >

        # QOS Profile | Optional
        qos_profile: < qos_profile_name >

        # PTP Enable | Optional
          enable: < true | false >

        # Configure the downstream interfaces of a respective Link Tracking Group | Optional
        # If port_channel is defined in an adapter then port-channel interface is configured to be the downstream
        # else all the ethernet-interfaces will be configured as downstream -> to configure single-active EVPN multihomed networks
          enabled: < true | false >
          # The default group name is taken from fabric variable of the switch, link_tracking.groups[0].name with default value being "LT_GROUP1".
          # Optional if default link_tracking settings are configured on the node.
          name: < tracking_group_name >

        # EOS CLI rendered directly on the ethernet interface in the final EOS configuration
        raw_eos_cli: |
          < multiline eos cli >

        # Custom structured config added under ethernet_interfaces.<interface> for eos_cli_config_gen
        structured_config: < dictionary >

        # Storm control settings applied on port toward the endpoint | Optional
            level: < Configure maximum storm-control level >
            unit: < percent | pps > | Optional var and is hardware dependant - default is percent)
            level: < Configure maximum storm-control level >
            unit: < percent | pps > | Optional var and is hardware dependant - default is percent)
            level: < Configure maximum storm-control level >
            unit: < percent | pps > | Optional var and is hardware dependant - default is percent)
            level: < Configure maximum storm-control level >
            unit: < percent | pps > | Optional var and is hardware dependant - default is percent)

        # Monitor Session configuration: use defined switchports as source or destination for monitoring sessions | Optional
          - name: < session_name >
            role: < source | destination >
              direction: < rx | tx | both >
                type: < ip | ipv6 | mac >
                name: < acl_name >
                priority: < priority >
            # Session settings are defined per session name. Different session_settings with for same session name will be combined/merged
              encapsulation_gre_metadata_tx: < true | false >
              header_remove_size: < bytes >
                type: < ip | ipv6 | mac >
                name: < acl_name >
              rate_limit_per_ingress_chip: < "<int> bps" | "<int> kbps" | "<int> mbps" >
              rate_limit_per_egress_chip: < "<int> bps" | "<int> kbps" | "<int> mbps" >
              sample: < int >
                enabled: < true | false >
                size: < bytes >

      # Example of port-channel adapter
      - endpoint_ports: [ < interface_name_1 > , < interface_name_2 > ]
        switch_ports: [ < switchport_interface_1 >, < switchport_interface_2 > ]
        switches: [ < device_1 >, < device_2 > ]
        profile: < port_profile_name >

        # Port- Channel

          # Port-Channel Description.
          description: < port_channel_description >

          # Port-Channel administrative state | optional - default is true
          # setting to false will set port to 'shutdown' in intended configuration
          enabled: < true | false >

          # Port-Channel Mode.
          mode: < "active" | "passive" | "on" >

          # LACP Fallback configuration | Optional
            mode: < static > Currently only static mode is supported
            timeout: < timeout in seconds > | Optional - default is 90 seconds

          # Port-Channel L2 Subinterfaces
          # Subinterfaces are only supported on routed port-channels, which means they cannot be configured on MLAG port-channels.
          # Setting short_esi: auto generates the short_esi automatically using a hash of configuration elements.
          # Please see the notes under "EVPN A/A ESI dual-attached endpoint scenario" before setting short_esi: auto.
          - number: < subinterface number >
            short_esi: < 0000:0000:0000 | auto > Required for multihomed port-channels with subinterfaces
            vlan_id: < VLAN ID to bridge > | Optional - default is subinterface number
            # Flexible encapsulation parameters
              client_dot1q: < client vlan id encapsulation > | Optional - default is subinterface number

          # EOS CLI rendered directly on the port-channel interface in the final EOS configuration
          raw_eos_cli: |
            < multiline eos cli >

          # Custom structured config added under port_channel_interfaces.<interface> for eos_cli_config_gen
          structured_config: < dictionary >

  # Setting short_esi: auto generates the short_esi automatically using a hash of configuration elements.
  # Please see the notes under "EVPN A/A ESI dual-attached endpoint scenario" before setting short_esi: auto.
  < endpoint_2 >:
    rack: RackC
      - speed: < interface_speed | forced interface_speed | auto interface_speed >
        endpoint_ports: [ < interface_name > ]
        switch_ports: [ < switchport_interface > ]
        switches: [ < device > ]
        profile: < port_profile_name >
      - endpoint_ports: [ < interface_name_1 > , < interface_name_2 > ]
        switch_ports: [ < switchport_interface_1 >, < switchport_interface_2 > ]
        switches: [ < device_1 >, < device_2 > ]
        profile: < port_profile_name >
          description: < port_channel_description >
          mode: '< active | passive | on >'
          short_esi: < 0000:0000:0000 | auto >


# Example

    type: server
    type: firewall
    type: router


    mode: trunk
    vlans: "110-111,120-121,130-131"
    spanning_tree_portfast: edge

    mode: access
    vlans: "110"

    mode: trunk
    vlans: "140-141"

# servers

    rack: RackB

      # Single homed interface from E0 toward DC1-LEAF1A_Eth5
      - endpoint_ports: [ E0 ]
        switch_ports: [ Ethernet5 ]
        switches: [ DC1-LEAF1A ]
        profile: MGMT

      # MLAG dual-homed connection from E1 to DC1-LEAF2A_Eth10
      #                            from E2 to DC1-LEAF2B_Eth10
      - endpoint_ports: [ E1, E2 ]
        switch_ports: [ Ethernet10, Ethernet10 ]
        switches: [ DC1-LEAF2A, DC1-LEAF2B ]
        profile: DB_Clusters
          description: PortChanne1
          mode: active

    rack: RackC

      # MLAG dual-homed connection from E0 to DC1-SVC3A_Eth10
      #                            from E1 to DC1-SVC3B_Eth10
      - endpoint_ports: [ E0, E1 ]
        switch_ports: [ Ethernet10, Ethernet10 ]
        switches: [ DC1-SVC3A, DC1-SVC3B ]
        profile: VM_Servers
          description: PortChanne1
          mode: active
# Firewall
    rack: RackB
      - endpoint_ports: [ E0, E1 ]
        switch_ports: [ Ethernet20, Ethernet20 ]
        switches: [ DC1-LEAF2A, DC1-LEAF2B ]
        profile: TENANT_A_B
          description: PortChanne1
          mode: active

# Routers
    rack: RackB
      - endpoint_ports: [ Eth0, Eth1 ]
        switch_ports: [ Ethernet21, Ethernet21 ]
        switches: [ DC1-LEAF2A, DC1-LEAF2B ]
        profile: TENANT_A

Single attached endpoint scenario

Single attached interface from E0 toward DC1-LEAF1A interface Eth5

    rack: RackB
      - endpoint_ports: [ E0 ]
        switch_ports: [ Ethernet5 ]
        switches: [ DC1-LEAF1A ]
        profile: MGMT

MLAG dual-attached endpoint scenario

MLAG dual-homed connection:

  • From E0 to DC1-SVC3A interface Eth10
  • From E1 to DC1-SVC3B interface Eth10
    rack: RackB
      - endpoint_ports: [ E0, E1 ]
        switch_ports: [ Ethernet10, Ethernet10 ]
        switches: [ DC1-SVC3A, DC1-SVC3B ]
        profile: VM_Servers
          description: PortChanne1
          mode: active

EVPN A/A ESI dual-attached endpoint scenario

To help provide consistency when configuring EVPN A/A ESI values, arista.avd provides an abstraction in the form of a short_esi key. short_esi is an abbreviated 3 octets value to encode Ethernet Segment ID and LACP ID. Transformation from abstraction to network values is managed by a filter_plugin and provides following result:

  • EVPN ESI: 000:000:0303:0202:0101
  • LACP ID: 0303.0202.0101
  • Route Target: 03:03:02:02:01:01

In addition, setting the short_esi key to auto generates the short_esi automatically using a hash of the following data elements:

  • Port-Channel Interfaces: first two uplink switch hostnames, the ports on those switches, the corresponding endpoint ports and the channel-group ID.
  • Port-Channel Subinterface: first two uplink switch hostname, the ports on those switches, the corresponding endpoint ports, the channel-group ID and the subinterface number.

It should be noted that arista.avd does not currently check for hash collisions when using short_esi: auto and while the risk of this happening is non-zero, it is small.

Active/Active multihoming connections:

  • From E0 to DC1-SVC3A interface Eth10
  • From E1 to DC1-SVC4A interface Eth10
    rack: RackB
      - endpoint_ports: [ E0, E1 ]
        switch_ports: [ Ethernet10, Ethernet10 ]
        switches: [ DC1-SVC3A, DC1-SVC4A ]
        profile: VM_Servers
          description: PortChanne1
          mode: active
          short_esi: 0303:0202:0101

Last update: June 21, 2022
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