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BETA Feature

The MPLS design feature is in BETA until the release of AVD 4.0.0. Changes to data models and default behavior for the MPLS design should be expected.

Fabric Topology Variables for MPLS Design

The fabric topology variables define the connectivity between the various node types, as well as override the default switch properties.

  • The MPLS design supports any fabric topology variables already supported by l3ls-evpn, barring the exceptions outlined in this document.
  • Additionally the MPLS design supports several new fabric topology variables that are outlined in this document.
  • Connectivity is defined in a free-standing core_interfaces construct.
  • A static unique identifier (id) is assigned to each device.
    • This is leveraged to derive the IP address assignment from each summary defined in the Fabric Underlay and Overlay Topology Variables.
  • Within the pe, p and rr dictionary variables, defaults can be defined.
    • This reduces user input requirements, limiting errors.
    • The default variables can be overridden when defined under the node groups or individual nodes.

Supported designs

eos_designs with the mpls design type supports any arbitrary physical mesh topology by combining and interconnecting different node types with the core_interfaces dictionary. You can also extend eos_designs to support your own topology by using node_type_keys to create your own node type

Arbitrary Mesh or L3LS Topology

  • The eos_designs role with the mpls design type supports any type of topology consisting of any combination of pe-routers, p-routers and rr-routers.
  • Any node group of 2 or more rr-routers will form a Route Reflector cluster. The core_interfaces construct is used to define underlay interfaces and associated interface profiles.

Variables and Options

By setting the design.type to mpls, the default node-types and templates described in these documents will be used.

# AVD Design | Optional
  type: < "l3ls-evpn" | "mpls" | l2ls | default -> "l3ls-evpn" >

Node Type Variables

The following table provide information on the default node types that have been pre-defined in eos_designs/defaults/main/defaults-node-type-keys.yml. To customize or create new node types, please refer to node types definition

Node Type Key Underlay Router Uplink Type Default Overlay Role L2 Network Services L3 Network Services VTEP Connected Endpoints
p p2p none
rr p2p server
pe p2p client

The variables should be applied to all devices in the fabric.

  • The type: variable needs to be defined for each device in the fabric.
  • This is leveraged to load the appropriate templates to generate the configuration.

Variables and Options

As explained above, you can defined your own types of devices. CLI only provides default node types.

# define the layer type
type: < p | pe | rr >


# Defined in PE.yml file
# Can also be set directly in your inventory file under pe-routers group vars
type: pe

# Defined in P.yml
# Can also be set directly in your inventory file under p-routers group vars
type: p

# Defined in RR.yml
# Can also be set directly in your inventory file under rr-routers group vars
type: rr

All node types have the same structure based on defaults, node_group, node and all variables can be defined in any section and support inheritance exactly like in the l3ls-evpn design.

Unlike with the l3ls-evpn design type, underlay p2p links are built using the core_interfaces data model described here.

ISIS underlay protocol management and node-SID management

< node_type_key >:

    # Any isis variables already supported by l3ls-evpn will work here, plus additionally:
    # Base value for ISIS-SR Node-SID
    node_sid_base: 100

    # Node is-type as configured under the router isis instance.
    is_type: level-2

    # IPv6 subnet for Loopback0 allocation
    loopback_ipv6_pool: < IPv6_address/Mask >

    # Offset all assigned loopback IP addresses.
    loopback_ipv6_offset: 2

BGP & Overlay Control plane

< node_type_key >:


    # Acting role in overlay control plane.
    # Override role definition from node_type_keys
    # Can be set per node
    mpls_overlay_role: < client | server | none | default -> refer to node type variable table >

    # List of inventory hostname acting as MPLS route-reflectors.
    mpls_route_reflectors: [ '< inventory_hostname_of_mpls_route_reflectors >' ]

    # Overlay Address Families to activate. Any subset of evpn, vpn-ipv4, vpn-ipv6.
    overlay_address_families: [ '< address_family_1 >', '< address_family_2 >', '< address_family_3 >' ] -> default [ 'evpn' ]

Unsupported variables

< node_type_key >:

    vtep_loopback_ipv4_pool: < IPv4_address/Mask  >
    vtep_loopback: < Loopback_interface_1 >
    evpn_role: < client | server | none | default -> refer to node type variable table >
    evpn_route_servers: [ '< inventory_hostname_of_evpn_server >' ]
    evpn_services_l2_only: < false | true >
    mlag: < true | false -> default true >
    mlag_dual_primary_detection: < true | false -> default false >
    mlag_interfaces: [ < ethernet_interface_3 >, < ethernet_interface_4 > ]
    mlag_interfaces_speed: < interface_speed | forced interface_speed | auto interface_speed >
    mlag_peer_l3_vlan: < 0-4094 | false | default -> 4093 >
    mlag_peer_l3_ipv4_pool: < IPv4_network/Mask >
    mlag_peer_vlan: < 0-4094 | default -> 4094 >
    mlag_peer_link_allowed_vlans: < vlans as string | default -> "2-4094" >
    mlag_peer_ipv4_pool: < IPv4_network/Mask >
    uplink_ipv4_pool: < IPv4_address/Mask  >
    uplink_interfaces: [ < ethernet_interface_1 >, < ethernet_interface_2 > ]
    uplink_switches: [ < uplink_switch_inventory_hostname 01 >, < uplink_switch_inventory_hostname 02 > ]
    max_uplink_switches: < integer >
    max_parallel_uplinks: < integer >
      enable: < boolean >
      profile: "< MacSec profile name >"
    uplink_interface_speed: < interface_speed | forced interface_speed | auto interface_speed >
        uplink_switch_interfaces: [ < ethernet_interface_1 >, < ethernet_interface_2 > ]

Last update: January 24, 2023